Those of you following the blog, may remember Jack who told us what it was like attending primary school and he promised to come back and give us his impression of his secondary school. Well, here it is. It is an anxious time for both parents and children when a child starts secondary secondary school. The school is much bigger, children have to make new friends and take more responsibility. But I am sure everyone following the blog will be pleased that Jack seems to have settled well into secondary school and likes it very much. Over to you, Jack.
Starting my new school
The school was big and I didn’t know my way round but after about three weeks, I found my way in around. We have a planner for the whole year which keeps all of our key notes in the lesson and homework and also the subjects we are studying. You have to walk to your lessons rather then your teacher picking you from your form class. On average we have 3 lessons a day and each lesson lasts 100 minutes which equates to 1hour 40minutes. They give you a detention if you don’t do your homework or if you are late to lessons. Detention lasts 1 hour. On a Wednesday we have PE which stands for physical Education and my favourite lesson is Drama.
There are 4 sets in maths, 6 sets in science and 5 sets in English. I also study graphics, art, geography, history and French and Spanish. I would like to do GCSE Art when I am older. I speak French at home so French is not that hard. You have tests at the end of term which sees if you can stay in your set, these are called up or down. There are clubs at the end of the day, which includes football, cheerleading, and rowing and gym practice. I go to gym practice and football.
I find it better than primary school because there are more facilities and it’s a better environment.
When you arrive at school you go to your form class, each room has its own name. Every Friday we have year assembly and there are 192 people on my year group and 1100 in the whole school. Homework can take 2 hours, we have a online homework software for our school called show my homework.
I will be back again to tell you what the second year is like and I would also like to say that although its worrying when you start secondary school, after three weeks you feel fine.
We look forward to following your progress, Jack.