Here are some wonderful observations from Tudor from Romania, another story celebrating the UK’s multiculturalism and openness. He writes beautifully about how his experience of living in the UK has made him open to others and how creative it is that we have so many different cultures living side by side,. I also love how he has used the British expression, ‘give it your best shot’
Tudor’s Story
In 2011, I moved to the UK from Romania to start my degree at University of Sheffield and a new life.
I still remember the day when my dad took me to the airport. I was so overwhelmed by the fear of the unknown that I was as pale as snow. However, as soon as I stepped off the plane all the nervousness faded away – I knew I had to give my best shot at this new and exciting opportunity.
Many people who immigrate to a new country struggle with culture shock. For me, the only shocking thing was the kindness and friendliness I was greeted with. Everyone was willing to help you with directions – people were randomly engaging in friendly conversation, I could not believe it!
The UK is multicultural and generally very accepting. One day you might meet someone from Spain, then the next day someone from Japan. It’s a mixture of languages, cultures that intertwine beautifully with the Brits and lead to new friendships, new families and innovation. Every single person that crossed my path since I moved here taught me something and helped shape my adult self into a person who is open to others regardless of nationality, skin colour, religion, sex or sexuality.
I am very grateful to have had this amazing opportunity to start afresh, be accepted, treated as an equal and valued as a person! Sheffield and the UK are now my home and whenever I come back from a holiday abroad I get that feeling “ahh…it feels so good to be home”!
Tudor Sirbu,
Software Engineer